Monday, April 27, 2009

Muskegon Lake Walleye Fishing Secrets

The walleye is a very popular species that is sought after by the professional and the weekend angler. The walleye's white, flaky meat makes an excellent meal and they're a lot of fun to catch too. These are some of the reasons they are so popular. The walleye prefer water that is cold but they can be found in warm water as well. Lakes and rivers with rocky, sandy or gravel bottoms make the best environment for this species.

One of the best places to go walleye fishing in Michigan is Muskegon Lake. This fresh-water lake covers approximately 4,150 acres and it can be found at the mouth of the Muskegon River in the lower part of the peninsula. The walleye will start spawning in the spring and they are usually abundant in the feeder streams during this time. They can also be found around shoals and shallow bars located throughout the waters.

Tips for Catching Walleye on Muskegon Lake

The walleye are famous for striking at just about anything it can catch and get in its mouth. This is another reason why they are so popular with anglers. The adult walleyes favorite food is probably other small fish. However, they also eat insects, crustaceans, grubs and worms. The more you know about the lake where you go fishing and the habits of the walleye living there, the more successful you can be.

Here are a few tips that will help you catch the walleye on Muskegon Lake during each season. During the spring the walleye can be found in the shallow to the moderately deep parts of the water. Search around ledges, points, submerged trees, stumps and similar areas when seeking out the walleye in the spring because they will be searching for structures where they can begin spawning.

In the summer, start out in the moderately deep waters and work your way out to the deeper parts of the lake. Work your bait along the gravel or rocky structures found in the water as you go. In the fall, the walleye can be found in the shallow to moderately deep waters during the mornings and late evenings. During the middle of the day they move out to the deeper parts of the lake.

By wintertime, the walleyes move further out into the lake where the water is the deepest. In the early mornings and late evenings they can be found in moderately deep water and then they move further out into the deepest parts during the day. Keep in mind they are less active in the winter so they will move a lot slower.

Dan Eggertsen is a fishing researcher and enthusiast who is committed to providing the best walleye fishing information possible. Go to http://www.askwalle yefishing. com/editorials/ 4_muskegon- lake-walleye- fishing-secrets. html for more information on Muskegon Lake Walleye Fishing Secrets.

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