Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Fishing Tackle Secret: Secrets for Redtail Catfishing

The redtail catfish are some of the most beautiful fish you could ever catch. They are also a very large and intelligent predatory catfish. They are native to South America and can be found in the Amazon River. They flourish in water temperatures that average around 78 degrees. They are rarely used for food by the locals in their native environment and consumed even less often by the American people as food because they are considered a red meat and not a good source of food. White meat is much more popular everywhere.

The redtail catfish are exported all over the world when they are very young but they are not often bred outside of their original habitat because most attempts fail. One thing is for sure, the redtail is a very unique and distinct fish.

They are actually black with a white stripe running horizontally through the middle of their side. They got their name from the red dorsal and caudal fins that are very distinctive.

They belong to the pimelodidae family and if the spines on the red fins are touched, they can release a red dye which will slightly stain the skin. In their natural habitat they can grow up to three feet wide and five feet long making them one of the largest catfish found anywhere in the world. They are often caught as babies and sold for aquariums all around the world. They will only grow to the size the fishing tank permits but this doesn't make them any less aggressive.

How to Catch the Redtail

The redtail catfish is well-known for having a big appetite. A large redtail could easily engulf a small child or animal. The hundreds of tiny teeth that are found on the inside of their mouth can grasp and hold onto their food while it's being consumed. They will eat bones and hair or anything else attached to their food. Their mouths are huge and will open wide making it possible for them to consume large prey (such as a small child).

They don't chew the food they eat but instead they will simply chop on it with all those teeth a few times and swallow the remains.
They sound like very aggressive fish because of their huge appetite but for the most part they eat when a good meal presents itself and then they conserve energy by lying still for long periods of time. Despite their huge size and big appetites the redtail catfish is often sought out by anglers for their beauty and because of the challenge they provide. So how do you catch a redtail catfish? The following secrets can help you get prepared.

Dan Eggertsen is a fishing researcher and enthusiast who is committed to providing the best catfish fishing information possible. Go to http://www.askcatfi shfishing. com/editorials/ 8_five-secrets- for-redtail- catfishing. html for more information on Redtail Catfishing.

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