Sunday, May 10, 2009

Florida Sea Trout Fishing Techniques

Have you ever been sea trout fishing in Florida? If not, you don't know what you're missing. There are several members of the sea trout species and they all belong to the drum family. The drum family got its name because they have an air bladder that makes an odd grunting noise as they move through the water. It's believed that the sounds they make are closely related to their behavior during the spawning season and when gathering together in groups.

The sea trout is a fun species to go fishing for and they make a great meal. They tend to follow certain habits so this makes it easy to find them. For example, if you find the sea trout to be plentiful in a certain spot during an incoming tide, they will most likely be in that same spot the next time the tide comes in, if the other conditions are the same. They are simply creatures of habit and the experienced angler takes advantage of this.

When you run across a school of sea trout, pay attention to what's going on around you. The tide is not the only thing that you need to be aware of. What is the weather like? Is it cloudy, sunny, windy or calm? What time of day are you fishing? Even the moon phase will make a difference. You will need all of this information if you plan to come back to that spot when the sea trout will return.

If you are catching them in one spot during the early morning on a sunny day, they may not be in that spot during the late afternoon on a cloudy day. The conditions have to be the same for this species to return. Keeping a journal is a great way to keep up with all this information.

Best Sea Trout Fishing Techniques

Finding the sea trout is half the battle, once you have accomplished that, you are ready to start fishing. There are several techniques used when fishing for sea trout. It's up to you to choose the one that suits you the best depending on your skill level and gear. It doesn't matter if you have access to a boat because you can catch the sea trout from the shoreline, piers and bridges just as easily as you can from a boat. So don't feel like you are missing out if you're just visiting and can't get out on the water. You can still have a very productive fishing trip.

Dan Eggertsen is a fishing researcher and enthusiast who is committed to providing the best saltwater fishing information possible. Go to http://www.asksaltw aterfishing. com/editorials/ 4_florida- sea-trout- fishing-techniqu es.html for more information on trout fishing.

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