Sunday, May 10, 2009

Three Tactics for Pier Fishing

Fishing is one of the popular hobbies in US. People are ready to spend a lot for fishing. Actually, fishing started as a means of livelihood, but has gained a lot as a business field.

The preference and specialties in catching the fish are common today. There are many different types and techniques for fishing which continue to grow on a regular basis. Of these, pier fishing is one very poplar type.

If you live in an area where you have piers on a lake or other large body of water, you can bet that there will be some great fishing opportunities in this area. Some people fish for fun and others fish for profit. Whatever your reasons for pier fishing, you need to learn how to do so correctly. Here come some tips in pier fishing, which paves way to earn more income.

Casting and Get the help of tides

The very common, usual and frequent mistake that often made by the anglers of the piers is the casting of the fish. They generally have the wrong idea and misconception of the ocean fishes. They consider that the large species are found in large numbers in only the deep sea. So they plan to go through the deep sea to catch them and make the trip worthwhile. The reality is the fishes dwell more in the area where the food is available in more quantity. Try searching in those areas in piers.

When an angler is skillful in piers, they will know the tides and the presence of the weather conditions. They go for the down tide side with piers. By experience they would have learnt that the tide that hits first make them tackle as the pier gets swept under the supports and becomes snagged. When you view this, it may seem to be a logical and rational approach, while the reality differs much to this.

Tackling tactics

How do you know which tackle to use in pier fishing? Do you even need tackle at all? This is a good question for someone new to pier fishing who might not know exactly what to use when it comes to fishing tackle. Here are some basic tips and advice that might help.

Many pier fishermen do not use tackle at all. If they do, they probably will not use the traditional tackle that is used in other types of fishing. For this reason, it's important to understand what is used and how it is used in pier fishing.

Dan Eggertsen is a fishing researcher and enthusiast who is committed to providing the best saltwater fishing information possible. Go to http://www.asksaltw aterfishing. com/editorials/ 4_tactics- for-pier- fishing.html for more information on pier fishing.

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